01 February 2012

IWSG: When You Don't Have Anything Nice to Say

Once again, thanks to Alex J. Cavanaugh for hosting the IWSG! Check out the launch page at the link above and join the fun!

I don't know how many times I've heard it, and that little saying might be cliche, but it's a worthy saying. I've said it in my classroom countless times - and I don't even have to finish it, I just say, "Hey, if you don't have anything nice to say," and the student usually says, "Don't say anything."

The same is true of writing. And although nice isn't quite the right word - maybe worthwhile fits better - the idea is the same.

Often I find myself panicking if I don't have anything to post, or I can't get myself started on a short story or poem that I think I HAVE to finish. The truth is I don't have to finish anything, and what's even more true is if I force it, the product will stink anyway.

In college I knew I wanted to write; I had this burning feeling that I needed to be writing something that reached someone,  I needed to write something that mattered. And I still feel that way (with not much to show for it, I might add). However, I came to a realization: I was in a waiting pattern. Whether I told myself I was too young, or just didn't have material pouring from my fingers, it didn't matter. Nothing came. And I was fine.

I'm trying to tell myself I'm still fine. When I WANT to write something, when I want to sit still and let the story unfold in front of me, and it doesn't come, I need that reminder. I'm fine.

Because the story will come, the words will flow again. They come of their own volition and will not be coerced.

I often pray for inspiration. What do you do? And if you're up to it, check out my other post for today and let me know what you think of my blog. I'll say thank you!


Margo Kelly said...

I will leaf through my books on the topic of writing and point to a page in the book. Whatever writing tip is on that page, I use it as my starting point to work on my writing - whether revising or drafting. I also find other people's blogs very inspiring! :)

Tasha Seegmiller said...

I agree with this but think there is a difference between saying something *nice* and saying something with the intent to help someone improve. Great post - new follower!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I worried when nothing came to me for my third book, but eventually it did, and now I'm writing again. A season for all things...

DL Hammons said...

You're so right! A story worth telling (and reading) can't be coerced! :)

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I usually have so many ideas for my novels I can't write fast enough. I do have to search sometimes for blog post topics. I try to keep it about writing.

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