29 May 2013

What's Up Wednesday: 5/29

The What's up Wednesday meme/bloghop is hosted by Jaime Morrow and her sister Erin Funk. Check out their blogs, find the link to all the others who are participating in the weekly hop, or join in!

What I'm reading


My wife is reading Quitter, by Jon Acuff, to me. Besides the fact that I love to be read to, this book is inspiring. It's all about chasing your dreams, doing what you're called to do. The more we read, the more I'm convinced that I need to write.
I also just started The End of Christendom, by Malcolm Muggeridge. It's actually a series of lectures that were given in 1978 at the University of Waterloo in Ontario. The main theme is remembering Pascal and his contribution to the Christian worldview. It's challenging.

What I'm writing


"Dystopolis" is still in process. I'm in the final edit stage.

Two pages in on my second book. The slowness is maddening, but I'm trying to enjoy/tell myself it's okay/remember that it's better that things come slowly...like sipping coffee on a cold morning.

Those short story ideas sill need work.

Also, check out this post for the Get Healthy bloghop!

What else I've been up to


Trying to keep up with Thing One and Thing Two...


 What inspires me right now


From Blaise Pascal (Pensee 188):

"Reason's last step is the recognition that there are an infinite number of things which are beyond it. It is merely feeble if it does not go as far as to realize that."


Jaime Morrow said...

That second photo is really cool! I love how the blurriness only emphasizes how fast they're zipping around. :-)

Good for you for taking your time with your new WIP. I'm not a speed drafter myself and actually end up revising as I go. That makes the first draft process a bit tedious, but revisions go SO much more smoothly. Best of luck with this new project!

Miss Cole said...

Dystopolis is a very cool title!

THOMAS! Oooh, flashbacks of my own childhood there ^_^

KatOwens: Insect Collector said...

Hooray for editing and writing slowly. I agree, it's good to take it slow. WOW- Thomas and James flashbacks. Good times.

Ian Anderson said...

I'm glad you all enjoyed the pictures! And I will continue to plod my way...

Erin L. Funk said...

I like your comparison of writing slowly to sipping coffee. It makes it feel enjoyable rather than like it's dragging. I tend to mull things over as I write, and a good cup of coffee is just the right thing for that.

Those Thomas trains make me feel nostalgic! :)

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