What I'm reading
I've been looking through Yeats's poems again, and I've started a short fairy tale called "Undine" that I've intended to read for some time. However, the busy schedule of late has prohibited much reading!
What I'm writing

I missed out on the start of Read. Set. Write! last week (see reasons below), so here's what I would have said:
I don't have solid word count goals. Each morning, not counting the weekends, I set out to write on both my book and my short story. I try for at least a page each.
I'm glad to report that I've been writing at least 2-3 pages a morning, and yesterday I wrote six! (This is great for me, by the way, even if it sounds like a puny amount.)
The best part about my writing lately is that I'm still doing it. Usually I go in short strong bursts that fizzle out. I had a busy April and in the past that would have been enough for a year, at least. So I'm glad to just be writing consistently!
Congrats on your awesome writing progress! And word count goals or page goals or just broad overall goals - whatever works for you! So glad you've joined us for RSW!
10 pages in is great! Stick with it. Remember, you can't edit a blank page. Just keep writing!
If that's working for you and you are producing pages, don't change it.
After the success of my guest last Friday, I'm sure a lot of independent authors are excited.
House scraping. Love it. Congratulations hitting your goals too ^_^
House scraping does not sound fun.
Congrats on hitting your writing goals.
I've never really set any solid word count goals until now either. Usually I think more in terms of finishing scenes. Two or three pages a day is great, by the way! And congratulations on getting six done yesterday! Hope the words keep flowing this week!
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